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Get the most out of your Daktronics sign by displaying different messages for your business.

7 Messages to Display on Your Daktronics Reader Board

Are you thinking about investing in a Daktronics reader board for your business? Maybe you’ve already got a Daktronics sign, but you’re struggling for ideas to make the most out of your investment.

Even the best tools aren’t going to be worth much if they’re not appropriately utilized. As you get ready for the installation of your new sign (or stare at the blank screen that was just installed), we’ve got a few ideas you can consider to get the absolute best bang for your advertising buck.

Special Events and Holidays

If you want potential customers to keep an eye on your business, it helps to keep your sign content fresh. Even something as simple as putting a Happy Thanksgiving graphic into rotation when the leaves start changing can be enough to remind drivers to look your way on their commute. It’s a great way to keep your visuals from getting stale.

Are you planning something special, like a celebrity appearance or a fireworks display? Promotional events like this can really draw in the crowds, but not if no one knows about it. Keep your customers informed and your store full by adding your special events to your Daktronics sign.


It’s not bragging if it’s true, right? Industry awards and high ratings for customer satisfaction are things to be proud of, and they can lend credibility to your company. Don’t be shy about announcing your victories, even if you think most people haven’t heard of the award. Just knowing that your business has been recognized ups your prestige.

Don’t forget to add a picture of the plaque or trophy onto the slate! Shiny awards attract attention and show you know your stuff even if the viewer never reads the text next to it. Don’t forget to update, though. Make sure your most recent accomplishments are front and center in your customers’ minds.

Images and Video

You don’t always have to include text on every slate. Daktronics boards are great for displaying high-quality photos. Show off your products, your showroom, or anything relevant to your business. For example, car dealerships could do well to show a beautiful landscape with a new car cruising the open road. No words required.

Your new Daktronics board can showcase video, too. If you’ve got a short product demo or beauty reel that you normally display on monitors in your store, this is the perfect opportunity to show it off to the wider world. After all, why only show off your products to people who are already inside? Use that same video to lure them in, and your sign will start paying for itself.

Product Information

If you’ve got a new shipment of the video game console everyone’s going crazy for, don’t keep it a secret! Advertising your newest arrivals and restocks of popular products is a great way to pull in new customers and even encourage some impulse buys.

Don’t limit yourself to just one graphic per idea, either. If you’ve got a great new product, you can have one graphic announcing its arrival followed by more slides showing off the product’s best selling points. It’s like having a salesman pitching for you 24 hours a day.

Job Openings

Do you need to fill some open positions or hire seasonal workers for the holidays? Take advantage of your outdoor advertising capabilities by posting the job for everyone to see. You’ll likely reach potential candidates who wouldn’t have come across the job posting otherwise.

If you have one or two enticing details, like a good starting salary, you should include that as well. You’ll be surprised how many people come in to do business with you, then stay to fill out an application.

Customer Testimonials

Are people leaving rave reviews of your company online? Have you been formally reviewed by an industry expert who loved your business? Then it’s time to leverage that digital praise into your outdoor advertising.

Make sure you pick quotes that are short but powerful. It won’t be as effective if you have to switch slides halfway through because it wouldn’t all fit. And don’t forget to leave room at the bottom for the reviewer’s name. Your happy customers will love seeing their names in lights, and they’ll generate even more word-of-mouth advertising for you.

Limited-Time Offers

Advertising your current sale might be the most obvious use of an outdoor sign, but it’s worth repeating. Too often, retailers only put sale signs up at the very front of the building, or worse yet, only put them inside the store.

Don’t limit the drawing power of your sale to customers who already happened to walk in anyway. Show off your Buy One Get One, 25% Off, or Labor Day Blowout in style and give it the advertising it deserves. Your bottom line will thank you.

The Sky’s the Limit

Daktronics reader boards are among the most versatile sign options available. Now that you’ve got the best in outdoor advertising sitting in front of your business, don’t waste it with one logo and a clock. Make the most of your advertising potential, and you’ll start earning the rewards.