Digital church sign for St. Thomas Presbyterian Church

5 Ways to Use a Digital Church Sign

Using digital signage is one of the best ways to create awareness about your church and drive interest in what’s happening at your campus. There are so many different ways you can use a digital church sign to communicate important information to the community, church visitors, and regular attendees. Let’s dive into some creative ways to use signage.

Ideas to Utilize Your Digital Church Sign

From covering the basics such as announcing church service times to helping visitors know where to go, take a look at these ideas to use a digital display.

1. Announce Service Times

Many churches use their digital signage primarily to communicate service times. This is always a smart approach to attract visitors to your campus on Sunday mornings. Depending on the size of your digital sign, you could add additional information about service times:

  • Location of your worship center.
  • Title of your current sermon series.
  • Bible passage you will be studying.
  • Graphics such as the sun shining for your morning service time.

Think of ways to add an extra touch to make the service time announcement really stand out to reach a passerby.

2. Promote Seasonal Church Services

As you know, visitors are most likely to attend church during Christmas and Easter. Make sure you reach the community with information about when you are planning to host Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Easter Sunday services.

Making a special announcement is especially important if you are hosting multiple services on these holidays or changing up the standard Sunday service schedule (e.g. adding a sunrise service on Easter morning). Use your digital display to keep everyone informed so they can make plans to attend one of your services.

3. Create Interest in Mid-Week Events

Does your church host mid-week events such as Bible studies, small groups, or children’s programs? You can use your digital signage to increase engagement by reminding churchgoers to come back to your campus during the week for additional gatherings.

Consider using the digital display to announce the day of the week/time for each mid-week meeting and information about how to sign up (e.g. Register on our Website!).

4. Inform the Community About On-Campus Events

A great way to reach the community is by hosting special events on your church campus. Events such as a Fall Festival, Pumpkin Patch, Easter Egg Hunt, or Summer Camp can bring visitors to your campus who may not always be comfortable attending church.

You can use your digital signage to create interest in each event by making a special announcement and inviting the entire community to participate. Be sure to include important information such as dates, times, where to go, and how to sign up (if applicable).

5. Use Your Signage to Support Wayfinding

Another creative way to use an electronic church sign is to provide detailed information about where a certain event might be taking place.

Let’s say that you are hosting a leadership conference that will bring hundreds of people from different churches to your campus. Most attendees probably have not been to your location before, so it’s a good idea to use signage to direct them to where the event is taking place.

If the digital display is near one of the main entrances to your church, then you could provide specific information about where to park and find the building where the event will be taking place. It’s a great way to create a warm welcome as attendees drive onto campus.

Need to Upgrade Your Digital Church Sign?

We hope that our list of ways to use a digital sign is beneficial for your church. We certainly enjoy working with churches to install new electronic displays or upgrade existing digital signage to help get the message out about what’s happening on campus.

If you would like to know more about our sign services for churches, contact us to discuss your current needs and how you would like to improve your signage.

We are proud to be part of the Church CO+OP as an approved sign vendor. We will work with your church staff to effectively communicate important messages using digital signs. Let us know how we can support your church.