National Signs is acquired by Aria Signs


High rise building signage by National Signs for Amegy in Houston, Texas

Our Guide to High Rise Building Signage for Architects

When designing high rise buildings, a crucial aspect that can make a world of difference is high rise signage. These towering structures need eye-catching and durable signage that complements the building’s aesthetics and serves functional purposes. A beautiful, state-of-the-art high rise can garner the right type of attention for your clients to help them truly […]

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Modern outdoor signage for the Capital One Bank by National Signs.

Incorporate Modern Outdoor Signage in Building Design Plans

When architects and building designers craft their design plans, it’s important to keep in mind where outdoor signs should fit into the building exterior. Capturing each client’s essence through modern outdoor signage can maximize the appeal and functionality of the finished space. Let’s explore how professionals responsible for building designs can implement the latest outdoor

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Government signage by National Signs for the Deer Park Police Department

Government Signage for Wayfinding: Help Citizens Access Resources

Government agencies fall under unique scrutiny when communicating with the public. Government buildings must project an air of modern sophistication to inspire public confidence in local government and ensure that government facilities are inclusive and accessible to all citizens. Clear, effective government signage can help agencies better support the needs of the public while remaining

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Tall pylon sign with various business logos on it.

Incorporate Commercial Shopping Center Signs into Building Plans

Are you planning to build a new commercial shopping center? You’ll need to decide on the layout, color scheme, tenants, parking options, and more. However, one of the most important things your new shopping center needs are visible, attractive outdoor signs.  Learn why your building plans should include commercial shopping center signs. We’ll also unpack

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Outdoor sign for St. Thomas Presbyterian Church.

Grow Attendance with Church Signage Exterior Placement

Your church may have a welcoming congregation, beautiful building, and well-manicured landscaping, but your outdoor church sign is the very first thing people will notice when passing by your place of worship. Your sign’s appearance, location, and messaging are vital ways to welcome people and encourage a future visit. One overlooked aspect is church signage

Grow Attendance with Church Signage Exterior Placement Read More »