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The digital signage evolution is coming to your industry!

Digital Signage Evolution: How Far We’ve Come in the Past Decade

Digital displays have changed dramatically in the last decade because of technological advancements, industry trends, and business needs. The digital signage evolution means companies across the globe have even more access to innovative, bold, and lasting sign solutions that take company branding to a whole new level.

Learn how the digital signage industry has evolved in the past decade and why your business needs LED commercial displays that inspire and transform.

Elevated Innovation

The LED technology in the last decade has seen an explosion of innovation in its function and design. In years past, LED screens were limited to simple videos and graphics, but new signage options allow companies to incorporate all forms of media players, live stream online videos, and offer 3-D LED displays to show their content in the highest resolutions possible.

The crystal-clear displays of LED screens are now available in a wide array of sizes, from welcome signs in hotel lobbies, menu boards in restaurants, video walls in museums, or large-scale LED displays in stadiums and arenas. Technology has scaled along with screen size, so larger screens offer sharper and clearer displays than ever before.

Digital signs have completely changed how a visitor or customer engages with your business. Instead of passively watching video content on LED screens, customers are able to interact and connect with your business on a more direct level, which can result in stronger brand awareness.

Targeted Marketing

The evolution of digital signs means your company can now use LED technology to create direct marketing to targeted audiences and users in specific locations. Video walls help promote specific products and services at designated times, and exterior LED screens can greet and welcome groups or audiences.

Your business can also use LED screens and displays to take customer engagement to new levels through direct interaction. Touchscreen digital displays can be used as ordering kiosks, check-in stations, product information centers, payment stations, or as part of integrated activities such as games or challenges that encourage social media interactions.

Industries that have embraced the use of LED digital screens and video walls for branding and marketing include:

  • School Campuses
  • Hospitals
  • Office Buildings
  • Hotels
  • Stadiums and Performance Venues
  • Retailers
  • Restaurants
  • Museums and Cultural Centers
  • Churches 

These industries have all discovered innovative new ways to incorporate LED technology in their interior and exterior signage, whether it’s for marketing new products and services, offering information or navigational signage, or enhancing the visitor experience throughout the property.

Enhanced Content Management Systems

Technology advances have led to content management systems that are simpler but more powerful than ever before, which has elevated the overall customer experience for business owners. Your company can create, upload, and manage digital content for LED displays with ease and have the ability to instantly correct or adjust visuals as needed.

Hardware and software improvements now make it possible for your business to remotely manage LED screens through cloud-based systems, which frees up valuable staff and resources. In addition, newer screens make tracking your return on investment easier by determining how many customers engage with digital signage, such as scanning QR codes for coupons, downloading company apps, or signing up for newsletters.

Cost-Effective Signage

LED screens are now manufactured to last much longer than other types of digital projections or screens, making them a worthwhile investment. Internal and external components have been improved to make them visible and durable in all weather conditions with brilliant colors and detailed displays.

Improvements in technology also mean that digital displays are more affordable than ever, with lower up-front costs for purchase and installation and lower maintenance and utility costs down the line. LED lights use significantly less energy than fluorescent lights, and they create less radiant heat than older types of signage, but with brighter light and bolder colors.

National Signs Offers Digital Sign Solutions

LED displays that are simple to use and offer endless display capabilities are a worthy investment for any company. With the latest LED screens and displays, your business is able to share an endless rotation of information and brand marketing to a wider audience through captivating visuals.

National Signs has been an integral part of the digital signage evolution, providing top-quality LED signs that offer innovation, sophistication, and eye-catching visual appeal. View our gallery today to learn more about our full range of stunning LED sign options.