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How much does a Daktronics scoreboard cost? Read this blog to find out then contact us for a free quote!

How Much Does a Daktronics Scoreboard Cost?

There’s nothing like the roar of a crowd cheering on your team. As a sports venue or athletics department, it’s your job to provide as much excitement for your fans as possible, and that’s why a typical scoreboard just won’t do.

You need a Daktronics scoreboard.

You’ve probably seen the demo videos and pictures, and you’ve almost certainly seen one in person. Full-motion graphics, instant replay capability, and a completely customizable scoreboard layout are just a few of the perks. But before you can really start planning, you’ve got to know the answer to a crucial question: How much does a Daktronics scoreboard cost?

Let’s break down some of the key factors that will determine how much you should budget for your new Daktronics scoreboard.

Breaking Down the Factors of Cost

The most important cost factor to consider with your new Daktronics scoreboard is its size. Obviously, a larger scoreboard will cost more than a smaller one. While we don’t suggest getting the biggest screen you possibly can, no matter what, it’s crucial to take your spectators’ viewing range into account.

If your scoreboard needs to be legible from across a football stadium, it’s going to need to be a lot larger than, say, one for a high school basketball gym. Talk with your National Signs representative to find out how big your scoreboard needs to be for your fans to be able to read it.

How Will Your Daktronics Scoreboard be Displayed?

Is your scoreboard bound for a football or soccer field? While the screen itself won’t cost more, its housing will need to be resistant to the elements. The last thing you want is for your new scoreboard to fall victim to heat or storm damage.

If your Daktronics scoreboard is going to be installed in a gymnasium, you likely won’t have to budget as much for the installation. As long as the space is temperature-controlled, you should be able to expect a long life out of your new scoreboard.

What Sport is the Scoreboard For?

Sometimes your Daktronics screen won’t need to serve as your primary scoreboard but rather provide additional information and visual displays to the crowd. If you’re thinking of supplementing a traditional scoreboard with an LED screen to show replays, advertisements, or crowd-pumping animations, you might not need as large of a screen.

However, if you’re hosting multiple sports in the same location, this is a good time to think about making the switch to a completely digital scoreboard. By using a single screen, you can have infinite flexibility to do exactly what you want when you want. For example, you can remove the shot clock while a volleyball game is going on to make more room for other elements.

Defraying the Cost with Added Revenue

If you’re looking for a Daktronics scoreboard to use as your primary display for a large outdoor stadium, you might be getting nervous right about now. Before the threat of the added costs of a larger screen and sturdier housing scare you away, consider the possibility of letting your new scoreboard start paying for itself through paid advertisements.

Businesses will be able to display all sorts of ads on your scoreboard, including static images, motion graphics, and even video. During half-time or before the game begins, these can be full screen. If you want, however, you can dedicate some of your screen real estate during the game to continue showing sponsor logos for even more added revenue. The opportunities for sponsorships are endless.

The Benefits of a Daktronics Scoreboard

When you purchase a Daktronics scoreboard, you’re getting a world of possibilities. You can take advantage of instant replays, player headshots and bios, full stats for the whole team, and animated team logos to keep your fans excited. Professional aesthetics have never been more accessible.

You’ll also be able to customize your scoreboard to include any information you want and even switch the information you’re showing on the fly. Imagine being able to show updated stats as a star player inches closer and closer toward a new record. With a Daktronics scoreboard, it’s within your reach.

National Signs is Your Daktronics Source

Now that you’re familiar with some of the factors of cost, it’s time to find out how much a Daktronics scoreboard will cost you. Fortunately, you’ve got a great team on your side.

Get in touch with National Signs today to request a quote and start your journey towards an incredible sports viewing experience for your fans.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!