National Signs is acquired by Aria Signs
National Signs has joined the Choice Partners co-op to provide sign services and PPE to government and education entities

National Signs Awarded Choice Partners Contract

National Signs was recently awarded a contract through the Choice Partners Cooperative. This co-op enables companies like ours to enter directly into the bidding process for government and education work across the United States.

We’re thrilled to join this program to provide our sign services and deliver PPE equipment to businesses and organizations across the country.

What is the Choice Partners Co-Op?

The Choice Partners national purchasing cooperative offers procurement and contract solutions to meet government purchasing requirements. Currently, Choice Partners has over 1,800 members in 40 U.S. states. 90% of members are in education, while 10% are other government entities and non-profits. Members include:

  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Nonprofits
  • Municipalities
  • Counties
  • State agencies
  • Other government entities

Specific to our local region in Houston, members gain immediate access to legal contracts, vendors, and shared services solutions from the purchasing cooperative of Harris County Department of Education.

Benefits of Our Choice Partners Contract

Choice Partners is essentially a tool for procurement. When it comes to government and education, procurement can be a complex and time-consuming process that often requires a large set of standards to be met.

Choice Partners helps expedite this process by matching organizations to vendors that are vetted and trusted. They make sure most of the work is done for you, so it’s a breeze to get the supplies that your business or organization needs.

Our Choice Partners contract states that our company has satisfied all national and state requirements for competitive procurement. Essentially, we have been granted the opportunity to bypass the standard procurement process, which increases efficiency in order to save co-op members and vendor partners time and money. That’s something we can all appreciate!

The products we are approved to provide to CP members include:

  • ADA Signage and Plaques
  • PPE
  • Safety Supplies and Equipment

Become a Member of Choice Partners

If you work for a nonprofit, school, or government organization, consider joining Choice Partners! It’s free, and it’s easy to sign up. Although CP is based in Texas, businesses outside of Texas are free to join as well. Just make sure to follow your state’s rules and guidelines. Becoming a member can help:

  • Save staff time
  • Save on budgets
  • Improve procurement efficiency

With everything your business needs to procure – from office supplies to uniforms to roofing services to especially signage – deciding to join Choice Partners is a no-brainer!

Find Out What National Signs Has to Offer

We’re so honored to be chosen for this contract and look forward to our partnership with Choice Partners. Since 1992, we have provided our services to schools, universities, state agencies, and government entities. National Signs has always enjoyed collaborating with these organizations; we can’t wait to build even more of these relationships, thanks to CP.

If you’re a member, feel free to reach out to us and find out what products can best suit your organization’s needs. Whether it’s face shields for teachers or ADA signage directing people toward handicap-accessible entrances, we would be pleased to partner with you to meet your current needs.

And, if joining Choice Partners isn’t in the cards for you, we can still help! Call us today to find out what sign services will work for your current needs.