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7 Surprising Facts About The Sign Code in Houston

The Sign Code in Houston is very restrictive.

If you’re a business owner looking to announce your offering with signage, it’s wise to partner with a company who understands the sign code in Houston and can provide a legal and high-quality product.

Do You Really Know The Sign Code in Houston?

National Signs provides end-to-end signage services to some of Houston’s largest companies. And to help these clients avoid any potential signage setbacks, we heavily research the sign code. This list includes a few of the interesting things we’ve learned. Take a look!

1. You Need a Permit for Most Signs

Most signs that are visible from a public street require a permit with the City of Houston Sign Administration. And permitting must be done by a Sign Contractor licensed by the City of Houston.

Electrical signs must have a separate permit and be installed by a Licensed Sign Installer who works for a company with a Texas Master Sign Electrician on staff.

2. A Logo on Your Building Counts as a Sign

In Houston, any structural element that contains an image, brand, logo or wording related to the business, organization or products can be considered a sign.

There are certain exceptions for directional and other signs, so it’s beneficial to discuss your particular signage options with the experts National Signs.

3. You Can Only Have 5 Signs

Regardless of the size of your company, building, land or the number of entrances you have, there can only be five signs per legal property. And ground signs must be at least 350 feet apart on the same frontage and not block the 45’ triangle road visibility.

For example, you can have either three building and two ground signs or four building and one ground sign. Large institutional campuses, multi-tenant facilities, and directional signs could be exceptions to the rule.

4. Roof Signs are Not Allowed

In 2009, the Sign Code in Houston was revised to prohibit all signs mounted to or positioned on or above the roof line. A more recent interpretation also included signs mounted on top of a canopy or awning.

Get a professional, licensed Houston Sign Company to walk you through the details.

5. Your Address Determines How Big Your Signs can Be

The street where your sign is to be placed dictates the size and type of signs permitted. Some streets allow for 42-foot tall signs while others have a 12-foot limit.

The City of Houston Transportation Group has a master plan that determines which roads are Major Thoroughfares, Collector Streets or Local Streets and where Historical and Scenic Districts are. A professional Houston sign company can walk you through the details and ensure your company is compliant with the specific requirements for your location

6. You Cannot Scan or Fax Permit Applications

The City of Houston requires the signatures on every permit application to be “wet.” That is, the owner or representative of the business must provide an original signature in ink on the form. This request must also be notarized and submitted in person.

7. There Are No Variance Proceedings

The code does not allow for variation unless a formal change is orchestrated by City Council. There is an administrative review process, but that’s only to challenge the Sign Administration’s interpretation of the existing code. National Signs recently appealed a ruling and received a permit, but it was a challenging process.

National Signs Knows The Entire Code

We have installed signs all over the Houston area and in doing so, we’ve become very familiar with the sign code. Our willingness to read paragraph after paragraph of legal jargon stems from our desire to help clients showcase their brand with quality signs that obey the law.

Contact Us to discuss your particular signage needs and let us help you bring your vision to life.