National Signs is acquired by Aria Signs
Austin, Texas businesses and buildings requiring City of Austin sign permit to obtain new signage

We Help With City of Austin Sign Permitting for Central Texas Companies

By now, you must have heard…we’re opening a new location in Austin, Texas! We are eager to establish a dedicated presence in the Central Texas area. The National Signs team looks forward to working with businesses and organizations in industries such as healthcare, retail, hospitality, education, financial services, and much more.

With business booming in Austin, signage is a necessity to make a bold impression in the market. And, while we can all agree that signs are important, the process of getting signage approved can be very challenging.

For business owners, facility managers, property owners, and other decision-makers, we know you have other things to worry about besides the City of Austin sign permitting process. That’s why we say, “Leave sign permitting to us!”

We pride ourselves in being a single point-of-contact for all of your signage needs from start to finish. We take care of the design, project management, installation, maintenance, and much more, including helping you obtain a permit from the City of Austin. We’re an end-to-end sign service company, and one of those services includes helping you with required documentation!

What’s Required For a City of Austin Sign Permit?

There are several different documents that need to be completed and general information provided before your signage is approved in Austin. Whether it’s a monument sign, pylon sign, or LED board, you will be required to complete paperwork in order to move forward with displaying the signage.

We have plenty of experience with sign permitting for our clients, so we are more than happy to take charge of this task for you. You may not be aware of all the intricacies of permitting your sign, so let’s review some of the things required by the City of Austin to obtain a sign permit.

1. Construction Drawing of the Sign

This drawing must bear the seal of an architect or engineer – licensed by the State of Texas – verifying the structural requirements of the City of Austin Land Development Code (LDC) Section 25-10-192(A). The drawing MUST include:

  • Height of the sign
  • Details and dimensions of all structural and nonstructural parts, including sign supports
  • Details and dimensions of foundations and footing
  • Advertising area of all sign faces

2. Complete Site Drawing To-Scale

This drawing MUST include:

  • Location of the proposed sign
  • Setback distances from sign supports to property lines
  • Street frontage dimensions in linear feet
  • Locations of all existing signs on the same property

3. Electrical Permits

If your sign has electrical components, such as an LED display or additional lighting features, there are additional requirements:

  • A sign cannot be connected to electricity without the proper electrical permit.
  • Signs must be inspected in accordance with all applicable codes before the structural sign permit can be finalized.

We Make The Sign Permitting Process a Breeze

There may be other specifications in addition to those listed above. Our team will thoroughly review the requirements for each sign location to make sure that no stone is left unturned on the path to ensuring that your sign is approved for display.

As part of our process, we will provide drawings, check and double-check all dimensions, take measurements, supply electricians for electrical aspects, and provide additional support services. We have everything covered to get your sign ready for installation.

When your Central Texas business or organization needs new signage, give us a call! We strive to make the sign approval process a simple, worry-free experience.

Contact National Signs today so that we can help you navigate the City of Austin sign permitting process. We’ll get your new sign approved, designed, and displayed at your place of business to meet your timeline!