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Daktronics logo over a close-up of LED Pixels

Why A Daktronics Scoreboard is the Best Quality

Athletic fields, stadiums, sports arenas, and schools rely on great scoreboards to keep spectators updated and provide eye-catching visuals. However, older scoreboards can fade over time. Is it time to upgrade to a first-class scoreboard from Daktronics?

Discover why a Daktronics scoreboard is the best choice for your facility, the quality that sets them apart from other digital signs, and why you should partner with National Signs for your Daktronics signage needs.

Take Advantage of a Daktronics Scoreboard for Your Facility!

National Signs partners with Daktronics to deliver the highest-quality electronic signage available in the market. Find out why we are eager to install Daktronics signs for our customers!

An Array of Scoreboard Options

You can find scoreboard signage in many places, each with a specific purpose. Daktronics understands the needs of sports teams and facilities to offer a wide array of scoreboard display options, shapes, sizes, and functions.

Daktronics scoreboards are ideal for the following spaces:

  • High school outdoor athletic fields
  • College and university athletic fields
  • Indoor sporting arenas
  • Natatoriums
  • Minor league and professional baseball fields
  • Professional soccer fields
  • Professional basketball areas
  • Professional football stadiums

You can select from standard scoreboards with vinyl, backlit, or electronic captions for game displays, larger scoreboards with message displays and channel letters displaying the team’s name and information, or large-scale scoreboards incorporating sharp LED video and graphics for a stunning display.

Captivating Graphics

In addition to standard scoreboards, Daktronics video scoreboards are able to display key game details along with stunning LED screens that offer vibrant lights, a wide array of colors, and precise detail.

Anyone in your arena, stadium, playing field, or athletic facility will be able to enjoy crisp and bright video content that showcases the game action, important highlights or penalties, or any other on-field events or presentations.

By choosing a Daktronics product, you can offer an enthralling visual display of the game or event, as well as riveting content for any sponsors or advertisers that support your team.

Innovative Technology

Gone are the days of having a person run along behind an old wooden scoreboard to update scores and game stats. Daktronics signs are the most advanced video screens in the marketplace, utilizing state-of-the-art technology for an enhanced sports viewing experience.

Plus, Daktronics makes it extremely easy to update the displays. We enjoy working with customers to help them get up-to-speed on their straightforward user interface for uploading or updating content.

You’ll be able to make immediate updates and adjustments to scores, game clocks, and other critical game statistics for real-time accuracy. In addition, Daktronics LED video scoreboards display various types of media on the screen and can use motivating graphics to help stir up the fanbase and support the team in specific ways.

Reliable Construction

When you choose Daktronics for your sporting events, you are selecting a sign that is designed, manufactured, and installed with the utmost professionalism and dependability. Every Daktronics sign is engineered to be both dependable and durable. They are lab-tested to ensure they can survive harsh weather and environmental conditions.

Each Daktronics product undergoes rigorous testing for:

  • Extreme heat
  • Freezing temperatures
  • Windstorms
  • Rain
  • Snow and sleet
  • Dust and debris

In addition, signs are mounted in strategic locations for maximum visibility, with professionalism and safety in mind to ensure they are securely installed.

Get Your Daktronics Scoreboard Today

National Signs is a proud partner of Daktronics, the premier digital display manufacturer in America. Our award-winning team of sign designers can help you identify your specific signage needs and provide highly visible, long-lasting, and breathtaking signage.

To learn more about Daktronics scoreboard options and their exceptional quality, contact National Signs today for more information or to request a free quote.